Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL)] asserts records not held

Informal Resolution | 23 June 2023
Department of Vehicle & Driver’s Licensing (DVDL)

An applicant made a request to DVDL for records relating to licensing, roadworthiness of an imported vehicle, and safety recalls. The Department responded to each query, but the applicant sought further clarification on some of the explanations. After no further response was received, the applicant made an appeal with the Office of the Ombudsman, particularly questioning whether a reasonable search had been conducted, as required under the FOI Regulations.

The applicant slightly expanded the scope of the request, and pointed out that the contact information on DVDL’s website appeared to be incorrect. DVDL disclosed a number of records, including their Official Inspection Manual, the Vehicle Inspection Check Sheet, and other records. DVDL also informed us that it did not hold, and was not required to hold records relating to other parts of the request (e.g. vehicle recalls). Upon our request, DVDL shared its search efforts with the applicant, and further responses and explanations were also provided. We shared our opinion with the applicant that the search efforts were robust, DVDL had a good understanding of the request, and the quality of analysis was satisfactory.  The applicant then agreed that the appeal could be closed.